Levels/Images of Relationship with God
An overview of the several levels of relationship and intimacy we may have with our creator. Used as a handout with teaching by Jack Hill.
Levels of Relationship w God.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [258.9 KB]
An overview of the several levels of relationship and intimacy we may have with our creator. Used as a handout with teaching by Jack Hill.
Levels of Relationship w God.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [258.9 KB]
Feeling Word Chart
A two page document with instructions on how to use the chart of Feeling Words. The Feeling Word chart has seven columns or words organized to facilitate identifying a specific feeling.
Feeling Words w Instruction.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [104.4 KB]
A two page document with instructions on how to use the chart of Feeling Words. The Feeling Word chart has seven columns or words organized to facilitate identifying a specific feeling.
Feeling Words w Instruction.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [104.4 KB]